Did We Once—Only Paper Be?

R_169“Someone ought to do it, but why should I?” — “Someone ought to do it, so why not I?” “Between these two sentences lie whole centuries of moral evolution”…Annie Besant

“The fake gods sat down in a circle
As if around a three-legged table
it was necessary to reach the last extremes
it was necessary that the air burn in whispers
for the pencil to start moving
There is no death it said
on one side and the other side of the paper
There is no death it said
on one side and the other side of the paper
the voices are the same the thunder
is the same roaring in our ears for
on one side and the other of the paper it said
there is no death
There is death though in the paper where
the muffled pencil moved
Only in the paper only in the shrouding paper”… Annie Besant

Did we once—character dance across these lines? Booked volumes away—to go—stay—in place of other ones—or other twos—or threes—more or less than begin—to end and back again—to place—race along pages—seeks-to-keep—story from too-soon-to-end—and—then again—back—again. We are—chronic spirits—place roamers—‘cross round-about—earth space—spaced—just-so—as to touch—and never run—‘smack into others—over faces—of earth twirl and planet whirl…Instinctively we—never slam—we touch face—sometimes lips—hand swish—just to express being—and never—to announce passing-to—other sides and other rides. We never mean—to rise—arrivals here—when there may seem better—than rather—though we simply happen—to be us—as weather often happens to—us all—everyone. And! Sometimes we are recognized in rhythm—and in rhyme—sometime—but not until we understand—the words—we sing—and these pieces—that peace—chunks varied—in bringing—ringing-to-ears—inclined to decline—war-riches as violence—reminds us—to leave these races—and migrate—to bloodless shoreline—and new chance—dances—just slips—rides before us—as we leave dying—behind…Strange—Western shores—are sometimes doors—away from wars—that colonization—delivered to us—mere—scant—rants—only a few years ago…

Socialism is not a creation of death—Socialism is simply another way to handle money—to not horde—to not lord—too simple—to understand—when Capitalism—damn-dam—most-of-us—to slaves of wage—with nothing to give—as we end—and they continue. And! If the Mediterranean Sea—is drained into—farmland—would the land be everyone’s profit or just the Drainers-of-their-Containers? Is it also—possible—that a-way-of-life—call it an—Industrial War Machine—maintains—Laws-of-Capitalism—Evils—be—either—Democrats or Republicans—in a faraway country called—the United States of America…And! South America—is just as important—as—North America…Though—the Industrial—War Machine—is the—-‘destabilize r’—of everything good—honest—democratically elected—rejected—inspected and dejected…Capitalism—has destabilized—the non-western world—and—destroyed the lives of—millions of good—honest—families—and why—and where—and why again—to—begin-an-end-only-to-start-it-all-again…

Per Pope John II— Centesimus Annus: “Ownership of the means of production, whether in industry or agriculture, is just and legitimate if it serves useful work. It becomes illegitimate, however, when it is not utilized or when it serves to impede the work of others in an effort to gain a profit which is not the result of the overall expansion of work and the wealth of society, but rather is the result of curbing them or of illicit exploitation, speculation or the breaking of solidarity among working people. Ownership of this kind has no justification and represents an abuse in the sight of God and humanity.”

Abusing—the Rights—of the Workers-of-the-World—is a Crime—against Humanity…Like—Genocide and Sociocide—Speculators—destroy—Life and Freedom of People—everywhere—On this sweet planet. We are—free if we—are wage-slaves—anyway?

On Carta-Spin—a twirl of world-look—a revolution of sunshine—moonshine—tucked between—dusk or dawn and—somewhere outside—Sol-speak and near—Star shine—Police—the—Political Group—only serve—to—self-servitude—hating all—without real power—rich—were they—and elect—by them…Their roll—vast—their rock—solid and while—supporting—a demon—democracy—of token—spoken—lies and spies—nothing “of the people—for the people—or by the people—never-ever existed—no matter how—spin-spun—fought-thought—taught—or sought—And! While hungry folk—began to understand—their representation—accounted—for no—accountability and hope—was—viewed by arrogance—lies—bravado and skies—slime’d’ freedom—existed in words—not deeds-of-needs—that elites-of -few could-would obtain everything—anything—anyway…Realizing this…again Revolution follows—the followers—‘cross Cart-Spin’s heaven’s dark and sunless days…Again—hope—stops—blood flows…

‘La Liberté éclairant le monde’

“Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed, to me:
I lift my lamp beside the golden door.”

“Never forget that life can only be nobly inspired and rightly lived if you take it bravely and gallantly, as a splendid adventure in which you are setting out into an unknown country, to meet many a joy, to find many a comrade, to win and lose many a battle.” by…Annie Besant

We are all—Universal Children…We have the Right to be—Everywhere!

And! Beautiful you are…

23 comments on “Did We Once—Only Paper Be?

  1. Oh my…… this is excellent.. All of it hit the mark.. this part caught my heart

    ” and—somewhere outside—Sol-speak and near—Star shine—Police—the—Political Group—only serve—to—self-servitude—hating all—without real power—rich—were they—and elect—by them…Their roll—vast—their rock—solid and while—supporting—a demon—democracy—of token—spoken—lies and spies—nothing “of the people—for the people—or by the people—never-ever existed—no matter how—spin-spun—fought-thought—taught—or sought”..


  2. So well put. And so true. The Democratic Socialist nordic countries have the happiest people on earth, according to happiness research.

    And when people don’t have any money to spend after redistributing wealth from the middle class to the rich, there won’t be anyone to buy products from the rich. And there go their businesses down the tube. Too much wealth hoarded by the wealthy lead to the great depression early in the last century.

    We are one, much more than we realize.

    • Hi…Annie Besant—wonderful writer and ‘forward’ philosopher…The transition from ‘why should I’ to ‘why shouldn’t I’ is profound-speak-donchathink! Wishing you Peace and Love…Phil

  3. Socialism indeed is another way to handle money – the trouble is that it can be most successful when there is wealth it can draw from; poor countries have never been successful at Socialism – ends up with too much corruption by those in power who amass wealth and then it all tumbles down…people in some countries practicing Socialism complain of suffocating taxes etc…as for Capitalism it deserves credit where credit is due: it produced enough wealth to be able to feed many a hungry mouth that lived and lives in poverty…it created jobs that give livelihoods…shall every nation find its mode of happiness … :)

    • Hi Ina…Agreed! The swings-of-Greed—often—flies far— beyond— Need…I do hope that— every nation finds or creates — ‘models of happiness’ that includes everyone…Not impossible! Wishing you Peace and Love…Phil

  4. Thank you for this post, and the quotes. As a young woman, I was a devoted Theosophist, and I still am, just share it with Christianity in my heart. I will always remember that the Soviet Union was created by an evil genius of a Social Democrat. As a grown up person, I prefer government to chaos, and I think that any revolution is acceptable only if it is a change of thinking, a change in spirit, not just some sums of money changing hands. Thank you again for sharing your thoughts.

  5. Freedom. Doesn’t mean stepping on others toes! My Grandpa was born in Sweden and believed in socialism. Their country is a sharing and safe place to live, too. I agree with all you say, dear friend. Hugs, Robin

  6. “Give me your tired, your poor,
    Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
    The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
    Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed, to me:
    I lift my lamp beside the golden door.”

    Written on the Statue of Liberty.

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